Linda Henley-Smith is a teacher and internationally known speaker who has presented seminars and training to educators across the country and abroad. She believes that children learn best and retain that knowledge when they are having fun. Her stories about Kyle Oty and his friends have been used to teach state history in classrooms throughout the U.S Linda had the pleasure of collaborating with two of her artistic grandsons to create this book.
Linda Henley-Smith
Thomas Amodeo
Thomas Amodeo is an Art Education Major who shares his artistic talent with kids and adults through his work in the Education Department of the Arizona State University Art Museum. He is multi-talented artist who has a passion for teaching.
Benji Paysnoe
Benji Paysnoe is a nationally recognized artist who focuses on translating scientific knowledge into exciting works of art. He was awarded the 2022 Lazendorf-National Geographic Paleoart Prize for sculpture.